Durham Six Recreation Center Renovations
The following facilities were included within the project scope:
- Lyon Park Community Center
- ED Mickle Recreation Center and East End Park
- IR Holmes Recreation Center and Campus Hills Park
- Edison Johnson Recreation Center and Rock Quarry Park
- WD Hill Recreation Center and Hillside Park
- Weaver Street Park and Recreation Center
We performed a number of renovation services, ranging from major building system upgrades to interior and exterior cosmetic upgrades. In addition, our professionals provided accessibility upgrades, life safety improvements, site modifications, lighting upgrades, waterproofing services, and electrical replacements at all six recreation centers.
When possible, our team also integrated sustainable building practices. Low VOC materials, water-saving fixtures, and energy efficient roof solutions were utilized in an effort to improve the life cycle of each facility. In its completion, the renovations revitalized the relationship between local communities and the City’s recreation department.